Since me and my family watched an episode of the American TV show Law & Order, the 21st season, me and my dad make jokes about my 4 year old autistic brother being a narcissist. Bc he has autism and delayed speech, it's innocent.
About the TV show Law & Order, it's an American TV show that's rated TV-14. The genres of it include the criminal justice system in New York State, crime and realistic fiction.
Earlier in today's dinner we had at the time of this news post, my brother was watching YT on his tablet while drinking water and being spoonfed by mom, which's multitasking. I told my brother that one of my teachers told me that multitasking is bad for your brain. I jokingly ask my mom how are we going to get him to not multitask. And she said, "when he learns to speak." I told my brother that I'm going to print my teacher's article from google classroom on how multitasking is bad for your brain, but my mom said that "[insert name here] will eat the article."
Now, here are some games that I have on my phone:
- A Diary App (not really a game, but I'll put it here)
- Roblox
- Plague Inc
- Bio Inc: Redemption
I'll get Bio Inc
For Plague Inc, all I have left is the Brutal Difficulty Shadow Plague.
Goodnight, I'ma sleep now.