Sup. I was inspired to make a rapping poem about School SuKs.
I actually find watching vids about the broken American School System to be entertaining.
2.925 months ago (as of May 1st 2020), I found a rapping song that I listen to. It was about how school subjects shouldn't be mandatory if not gonna be used in life.
It's too crinngey to post the link.
I'll private message you if you want the link. Comment it.
But, here's the link to my rapping poem.
Hope I get good feedback!
I invite my friends with mentions.
@RealBlargMaster, @PrinceArcher, @Vortonox, @Joeowl(u already saw it on discord), @princetnt11, @solarityflaire12 and @ZebraHumor(still deciding about MegPeg) and *has fear that MegPeg will dislike it*.
Hope you enjoyed reading the poem @Vortonox.